The Web Deacon
WWW sites for religious communities
News (Weblog)
Web Deacon Adds News/Blog Tool
Web logs or "blogs" have quickly become the web's most widely used communication tool. Now The Web Deacon's church sites have a blog built in.

The blog can be an easy-to-update newsletter, or it can function serve as a pastor's message, and registered users can participate by commenting on the posts or even adding their own, depending on available settings. It's all highly adaptable to your needs.

Items in the blog can have links to other web-based data and a photo or other image, which can be placed alongside, above or below the item and thumbnailed for quick delivery.

It's easy to "window" the blog on the home page of the web site as we have here, affording the casual visitor a quick grasp of the church's news and an incentive to stay and explore the rest of the community's message.

Enrolled members of your site can be assigned "reporter" or "editor" privileges to allow them to add or update content to your News. You can also enable readers' comments (feedback) generally or for individual articles.

All the features are subject to a sophisticated permissions system that lets the site's manager decide who may do what. The manager does not need to know much about the Web to do any of this; the Web Deacon Team can help with setup and maintenance.

News: Table of Contents

Optional text at top of control panel (menu) lets you add instructions or links to news-related content.
Optional text at bottom of control panel. This can also contain special content of editor's choice.